

Mr. Matthew Arnold will repeat his lecture on Emerson.

Princeton has raised the price for academic tuition from $75 to $100.

There will be another mathematical seminar today at 4 P. M.

Mr. A. B. Houghton, '86, has been elected managing editor pro tem of the HERALD-CRIMSON.

The Vassar Miscellany has withdrawn from the Inter-collegiate Press Association.


There are more students at Smith College this year than there are accommodations for in the colleges.

The Cambridge Dramatic Club gave the last performance of the Russian Honeymoon yesterday evening.

At present the number of books in the Yale library is greatly beyond the capacity for storing them.

The Shooting Club has made arrangements for winter practice at the Walnut Hill range.

Reviewing is useful to show what a vast amount a man can forget in a minimum time. For this purpose examinations are, perhaps, even more effective. [Yale Record.

The first sophomore theme will be returned with criticism today from 2 till 4.30, as follows: Section 1 (E. V. Abbot to Dickey) in Sever 3; section 2 (Dike to J. W. Richardson) in Sever 5; section 3 (M. W. Richardson to Wyman) in Sever 1.

The following are the officers of the H. P. C. for the next term: W. H. Goodwin, President; T. J. Coolidge, Jr., Vice President; W. C. Sturgis, Secretary; L. V. LeMoyne, Treasurer; T. M. Osborne, Chorister; W. A. Gardner, K.; T. R. Plummer, Artist; W. W. Mumford, Librarian.

New editorial rooms are being fitted up for the Lampoon, on Brattle Street.

Mr. Chas. F. Lummis, '81, has a poem in the last Life.

The cage in the gymnasium has been repainted.

A reunion of the past and present editors of the Lampoon will be held at Young's next Saturday.

A course of nine lectures on the Civil War, will be delivered before the Historical Society next term.

The Yale Bicycle Club will have hare and hounds runs on Lake Whitney this winter, if the ice is good.

Mr. Forschimer, '87, formerly a member of the Thomas orchestra, will play a 'cello solo, at the coming Pierian Glee Club concert.

Mr. Reuter, '84, has been elected captain of the lacrosse team in place of Mr. Marquand, '85, who is obliged to resign on account of sickness:

Harvard Union debate in Sever 11 at 7.30 this evening. Question: Resolved, "That the interference of the Harvard faculty in athletics is justifiable." Principal disputants: For the affirmative, Messrs. Conant, '84, and Webster, '85; for the negative, Messrs. McIntosh, '84, and S. E. Winslow, '85.
