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Our great library is becoming every year a more important factor in college work. Already, in many of the more advanced courses, it is impossible to do much except in the library. The instructors are every year requiring more library work; every year students learn at an earlier period of their college course how to make use of the library, and to accept the great advantages it offers. Under such circumstances we cannot but feel very envious when we read that the library of Columbia College is to be open evenings and lighted by electricity. When we consider that the great bulk of the work here is done in the evening, and that any influence tending to keep men from spending their afternoons in open air exercise during the spring and summer months is greatly to be regretted,-we cannot but feel that one of the greatest possible benefits to college life and college work would be the opening of our library at night. We hope some friend of the college will find it in his heart to give the money needed for this purpose.
