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A recent London letter to a New York daily says in relation to Prof. Lowell's election to the rectorship of St. Andrews : "We have no equivalent for this office at either Oxford or Cambridge, the undergraduates there having no voice in the election of any of their principals. Mr. Lowell ought to be pleased with St. Andrew's when he goes down to give his address. It is a picturesque old-world place, with the gray ivy-clad ruins of the ancient cathedral and castle standing in the midst of the clean, prim town, the old library, with its many literary treasures, and the broad "links," a great stretch of sandy common by the seashore, sacred to the royal and ancient game of golf, while there is an intellectual tone about the society of the place which Mr. Lowell will find thoroughly congenial. Besides the university, St. Andrew's boasts the possession, in the Madras College, of one of the best public schools in Scotland, whose masters are not less distinguished for learning than the professor of the senior establishment. On the other hand St. Andrew's is likely to be not less pleased with Mr. Lowell, who has made himself a great favorite in cultivated society here, and who is recognized as an orator of the highest class.
