In another column we publish a portion of the letter declining the challenge of the Yale freshmen to play off the tie in football. There are several reasons which fully justify this refusal, the Christmas examinations so near at hand ; the probability that the game could not be played even if active training were begun at once on account of the lateness of the season, and the fact that the Harvard eleven has been out of training and without practice for a week. If there was any real desire to play, why did not Yale so express herself on the evening of the day that the game was played, and not wait nearly a week before sending the challenge? It is contrary to precedent as well. Only last year there was a tie, but no one heard of an actual proposal for another game. We can see no possible claim that the Yale freshmen have now for urging the acceptance of their challenge, and we believe that '87 does entirely right in declining to play again.
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