Mr. Tennyson will probably be raised to the peerage.
Professor Agassiz sails for Europe tomorrow.
Hon. James Bryce has been lionized in Cambridge society.
The Glee Club will sing tomorrow evening at the Arsenal theatricals.
Waters, of Troy, is to build a new boat for the Yale crew.
Twenty-two members of the Glee Club participated in the recent entertainment at Lowell.
The Glee Club-Pierian concert next Saturday evening promises to be a very enjoyable affair.
The Williams nine will be trained by Keefe, of the Metropolitans, this winter.
Notice ! Notice ! The so-called Columbia Foot-Ball Eleven actually made one point during the past season. [Acta.
Dr. Sargent will lecture tonight in the Union Gymnasium on "Walking as an Exercise.
In all the Japanese schools for women, etiquette is made an essential feature of the instruction.
The Alumni of Trinity College have appointed a committee of five to raise funds for that institution.
Turf, Field and Farm says that in Henry, Harvard has the best half-back ever seen in New York.
It is said that only three of the old members of Yale's crew will row this year. Hull and Parrott who have entered the Law School positively refuse to row.
Mr. George W. Cable, the novelist, will give a reading of selections from his own works in Lyceum Hall on Wednesday evening next.
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