DECEMBER 2. SUNDAY.Appleton Chapel. Rev. James Freeman Clark, D. D., 7.30 P. M. "The sin which easily besets us; and the good which is ready to help us."
3. MONDAY.The methods by which members of the House of Commons are chosen. James Bryce, Esq., M. P. Sanders Theatre, 7.30 P. M.
4. TUESDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 P. M.
German Readings. (With explanations in German.) For advanced students. Wieland's Oberon. Mr. Lutz. Sever 6, 7.30 P. M.
The relations which members of the House hold, and the functions which they discharge, towards their constituents and their party. James Bryce, Esq., M. P. Sanders Theatre, 7.30 P. M.
5. WEDNESDAY.Electricity and Magnetism. Prof. Lovering. Harvard 3, 11 A. M.
Latin Readings. The Love of Dido. Virgil's Aeneid, book IV. Mr. Charles Parker. Sever 11, 7.30 P. M.
6. THURSDAY.Orchestral Concert. Boston Symphony Orchestra. Sanders Theatre. 7.45 P. M.
7. FRIDAY.The Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament. Special subject: Genesis and the Monuments. Prof. Lyon. Upper Divinity Hall, 12 M.
German Readings. For beginners. (1) "Unverhofft kommt oft." (2) "Der Eine oder der Andere." (In Otto's Introductory German Reader, with notes by Joynes.) Mr. Lutz. Sever 11, 7.30 P. M.
8. SATURDAY.History and Methods of Classical Study. Prof. Allen. Sever 18. 11 A. M. These lectures, to be given on Saturdays during the first half-year, are intended for the guidance of those who have in mind a somewhat extended course of study in Classics. Any student who is taking courses in Greek or Latin is at liberty to attend them.
SENIOR FORENSICS.The first forensic will be returned to seniors (McDuffie to Ziegler) on Tuesday, Dec. 4, from 2 to 3.30 P. M., in Sever 1.
Mr. Snow will meet the senior volunteer section in forensics on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 3.30 P. M., in Sever 11.
The second forensic will be due on Tuesday, Dec. 18, from 3 to 4.30, in Sever 1. Subjects : 1. Is the minority more likely to be right than the majority ? 2. Why is general over-production impossible? 3. How far can there be the same ethical standard for the conduct of states and of individuals? 4. The influence of Rousseau on the
JUNIOR FORENSICS.The first forensic will be returned with criticism to section 2 (Delano to Lawrence) on Thursday, Dec. 6, from 2.30 to 4 P. M., in Sever 1.
JUNIOR THEMES.Mr. Wendell will meet all sections in Sever 11, on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 2 o'clock, to discuss the subjects for Theme III.
Theme II. will be returned with criticisms to section 2 (Irish to Yocom) in Sever 5, on Thursday, Dec. 6, from 2 until 4.30.
Theme III. will be due on Dec. 13. Subjects will be announced on Dec. 4.
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