And now '87 is to try its prowess against Yale. For a long series of years the Harvard freshmen have won no victory over their Yale opponents; now we have reached a point where this chain of successes seems likely to be broken. Last year '86 had every prospect of success but only succeeded in bringing about a drawn game. This year with even greater confidence the college looks to '87, to make an end of these continuous Yale victories. It will be no small matter for the freshman class to win this game for it concerns the entire college as well as themselves; but to gain the victory the eleven will have to put forth every endeavor and the class will have to give them its strongest support. Let there be no half-hearted backing today. Let every man cheer and cheer as if he meant it. Yale enthusiasm is proverbial; '87 must see to it that there be only the heartiest support from them. Do this, and come victory or defeat, the class can feel that at least they have done all they could to make a success. The whole college feels a deep interest in the game, and everyone, we are sure, wishes and hopes most earnestly for a grand triumph for Harvard and '87 this afternoon.
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The Serenade to the Princeton Nine.