

The following is the revised statement in regard to the requirements for honors in Modern Literature, adopted at the faculty meeting Oct. 30, 1883. The committee on honors in Modern Literature recommend that, on page 23 of the pamphlet programme of studies, Modern Literature be added to the enumerated subjects in which honors will be given at graduation off great proficiency. Also on page 24 of the same pamphlet, that the following paragraph be added : In Modern Literature the candidate must be able to read French and German with facility at sight, and must have taken two complete courses in English, two in French, and two in German. These he may choose from among the following : In English, 1, 2, 7 and 8 (two courses and two half courses) ; in French, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (two courses and two half courses) ; in German, 4, 5, 6 and 7, (four full courses). Course 3 in Italian or course 3 in Spanish may be substituted for any German or French course above mentioned. The special examination of every candidate shall include thorough examination in the work of some author to be determined with the approval of the committee of examiners.
