Princeton plays Wesleyan next Thursday.
Matthew Arnold has been engaged to lecture before the students.
The Bicycle Club will give another hare and hound run in a few days.
The lacrosse team has given up practice until next spring.
The Law School men rejoice in a new plank walk.
They wear dusters at Yale accord to the 'News.'
Why does not the Philological Society arrange with Mr. Matthew Arnold to give a lecture here?
Mr. Wendell will correct the themes of the junior advanced section in Sever 5 and 2 P. M.
The first senior forensic is to be left in Sever 1 instead of Sever 3 as previously announced.
The class of '87 at Columbia includes in its members Ward of the New York nine.
The highest classical honors at Oxford have been taken by a son of Prof. Huxley.
Columbia is to have a school of librarianship, and will award diplomas upon completion of the course.
An inter-collegiate paper, called the Northwestern, has been established at Milwaukee.
The Princeton sophomores have asked Yale '86 to play them a game of foot-ball this fall.
The report comes that a female seminary, after the plan of Vassar, is to be erected at Los Angelos, Cal., at a cost of $200,000.
We do not believe in having the new track used as a place to learn to ride the bicycle, as it was on Friday afternoon.
The long-expected summonses for prayer-cuts have appeared from U. 5, the "Inquisition Chamber" of the University.
The whole sophomore class and most of the Freshmen class at the Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, New York have been suspended on account of a disgraceful "flag rush."
It is not generally known that Georges' time for the mile in his last race with Snook, 4.26 1-4, was made on a grass track. On this sort of a track we believe this time is the fastest on record.
The Sandwich Island papers are discussing Mr. Charles F. Adams, Jr., and his "College Fetich" address, which has been reprinted by them in full.
Nine members of the Salem Bicycle Club recently rode 100 miles in 11 hours 1 minute.
A scientific session of the National Academy of Sciences will be held at Yale November 13, at 11 A. M. Prof. Marsh will give a reception to the members of Yale.
Of the present university foot-ball eleven, no member has been on the team more than one season. The five-year rule won't damage us for some time to come. [Princetonian.
Thomas Midgely of Worcester established the bicycle records from 50 to 100 miles riding the entire distance without a dismount in 7 hours 25 minutes 52 1-2 seconds.
The Willistonian has promised the Williston seminary foot-ball eleven a supper if they succeed in making a goal from the field or a touchdown against the Yale freshmen. The Williston rush line averages 160 pounds.
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