From the New Haven Register we extract the following article:
Since the rejection by the railroad commissioners of the original layout of the Hartford and Harlem railroad through the western part of the city, two amended routes have been surveyed and mapped by the company's engineers. Neither has been formally approved by the company, however, so that it is uncertain which the commissioners will be asked to approve. One of the routes has already been described. Within the limits of New Haven it runs mostly on the east side of West river, although avoiding the thickly settled portion of the western district whose residents rose up in such unanimous and determined opposition against the original layout as to secure its rejection. The second amended line skirts the west bank of West river for quite a distance and goes across the new grounds of the Yale Athletic association.
Should the latter layout be decided upon by the railroad company and approved by the railroad commissioners it would virtually ruin Yale's new playground. A knowledge of the danger which threatens the ground is confined to a few members of the association. The organization comprises many men of wealth and influence, who would doubtless make quite as determined a fight against this layout as the residents of the western district did. It is generally believed however that the opposition would not prove so effective in accomplishing the desired result.
The directors of the Athletic association held a meeting last evening, but the prospective layout across the ground was not now of the subjects discussed. "It will be time enough to talk about the matter," said one of the directors this morning, "when we know that the line laid out across our grounds is to be the one that Hartford and Harlem directors decides upon.
"But suppose they do decide upon it?"
"The association would of course get money damages in case the railroad commissioners approved the route, but as a field for Yale's athletic sports the grounds would be good for nothing. That would be a great pity, as much money, time and effort has been expended in securing and laying out the place. The work has only reached the first stage of completion, when the whole project is threatened with de struction."
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