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The near approach of election day reminds us of a duty which everyone who is qualified to vote owes to his country or his state on what occasion. In a country like ours where there are so many ignorant votes cast, every intelligent vote is needed, and an institution like Harvard should aspire to direct the sentiment of the country as far as an active interest and attention, and intelligent criticism can do so. It is only by concerted action on the part of the well educated that the country can be saved from the ignorant decisions and absolute tyranny of a class of low politicians, who have obtained but too great a hold over the people. It is useless to discover how this state of things has been brought about; there have been various causes, and the blame does not rest altogether on the shoulders of any one class. But what is our concern and the concern of every patriotic citizen of the United States is to find a remedy, and the only remedy in our power is to see that every honest and intelligent vote possible is cast. Harvard men were not found wanting in patriotism in the war for the Union, and they should not be backward now, when the struggle is no less for the existence of that government against the corrupting influences which are striking to its foundation.
