Most of the tickets for the henschel concerts has been sold.
Richards '85 of Yale is still compelled to use a cane.
Williams vs. Harvard today on Jarvis Field at 2.30; admission 25 cents.
Wesselhoeft is still ill and will probably be unable to play for some time.
There are 665 men now boarding at Memorial.
The first seven of the Signet from '85 are Aldrich, Arnold, Campbell, Craigin, Goodale, Marsh and Webster.
Mr. H. A. Garfield, '85, son of President Garfield, will play centre rush on the Williams eleven today.
Kendall will resume practice with the university eleven on Monday.
The eleven will play a practice game with Stevens Institute on Tuesday at 3.30 P. M. on Jarvis field.
There will probably be an excursion for students in Natural History next Monday.
There will be a meeting of the medical faculty tonight at 18 Arlington St. Boston, at 7.30.
Professor Allen will give another lecture today at 11 A. M. in Sever 11, on "History and Methods of classical study."
"Bob" Cook is in town, and is coaching the University crew for a day or two. [Yale News.
The Hendee-Robinson bicycle race for 10 miles will take place today at 3 P. M. at Hampden Park, Springfield.
The Lampoon, owing to some delay of the printer's, failed to come out yesterday, but will appear today.
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