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EDITORS HERALD-CRIMSON.-The faculty seems to be extremely solicitous that the students of Harvard should not become brutal; but they appear to be equally anxious that they should be dishonorable. Obliging our eleven to break its agreement, robbing the Yale ball team of some $1500 seem to have been matter of not the slightest consequence to them, when a few days ago, they took measures to stop the game with Yale on Thanksgiving day. This is an exact parallel case to what happened about a year ago. In the spring of '82 the Athletic Association entered into an agreement with Jim Robinson. The faculty did nothing about it at the time; but after the summer vacation, during which Mr. Robinson received several offers, the members of the faculty took it into their heads that they did not want us to have a professional trainer, and obliged the Athletic Association to break its agreement with Mr. Robinson. We sincerely hope that the time will sometime come when our feelings of honor will have some weight with the faculty in its decisions.



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