

The Hon. Carl Schurz has retired from the Evening Post.

Mr. Wendell will criticise Theme 3 today at 2 P. M.

Total abstinence is occupying the attention of the students at Ann Arbol.

Mr. Peace of Princeton will probably referee the game on Thursday.

Mr. "Bob" Cook is now coaching the Yale eight.


The Institute of Technology will have a nine next year.

There are several cases of pneumonia at Yale.

Goldsmith will coach the Yale nine this winter.

Keefe, who trained the nine two years ago will play with the Metropolitans next year.

Delaney, the runner, and Murray, the walker, are going to England next summer.

Count Von Mcltke, the greatest master of modern warfare, is losing his mind.

Mr. George W. Cable, the novelist, is to give three readings this week in Chickering Hall.

The "life" of Alice, Duchess of Hesse, the daughter of Queen Victoria, is to be published soon.

There will be a half-hour examination in Greek 7, a week from tomorrow on the last half of Aeschines' Oration on the Crown.

Badges for those who intend to support the eleven on Thanksgiving [day can be obtained from Collins and Fairbanks. 407 Washington street.
