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There can be no doubt that a college reading room would be a considerable convenience to a large number of men, and its absence would be felt by many. Last year it was found impossible to start a room on a satisfactory basis without making an active canvass of the college for subscribers. The directors this year hoped that such would not be the case. It is true that about fifty names have been secured thus far-enough to justify the directors in starting the room on a limited scale, but not enough to ensure a thoroughly large and successful institution for the year. The room therefore will be started immediately, with such a list of papers and magazines as the present funds of the association will permit. The directors assisted by such others as have kindly agreed to assist them in their labor, have undertaken to make a canvass of the college to secure adequate support for the rooms. If a sufficient number be secured, as is hoped, it will be possible to have the room open evenings, a measure which we cannot but think will add considerably to its convenience and popularity.


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