The managers of our foot-ball eleven were surprised and not a little amused Friday at receiving a telegram purporting to come from the Columbia eleven, which stated that they had heard of the decision of our faculty and wanted to know whether they should come on Saturday or not. In view of the previous refusal of Columbia to play and the consequent forfeiture of the game to us, the utter absurdity of this communication is apparent at once. In excuse for Columbia however, it must be said that further inquiries by our manager soon gained us the information that the dispatch was not genuine and presumably a "grind." We can only deplore the lamentable want of tact in the person who sent this insulting communication, for had he possessed ordinary comprehension he must have seen in what an unenviable position he placed himself and his associates by his foolishness.
Our manager immediately telegraphed to come, as Prof. Norton had granted permission to play under certain restrictions in the rules which would not effect Columbia's game. It is needless to say that the New York team did not appear and the telegram was returned unanswered. Many misunderstandings between colleges can be traced to just such causes as this, where the influence of some half-witted trifler has been able to compromise the honor of all his fellow students.
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