Last Saturday's hare and hounds race finished the autumn season of the Harvard Bicycle Club. Last year the club could hardly be said to exist outsides of its officers, and gave no evidence of life except two hare and hounds races and a race meeting at Beacon Park. But at the beginning of the term it was resolved to make an effort to put the bicycle club on its legs again, and under the new board of officers the effort has succeeded beyond expectation. The first run was to Lexington, where the club had an informal dinner and returned by moonlight. Twenty-three members took part in this ride which was a great success and was the first evidence of the efforts made to improve the club. Beside this run, there was a two days run to Newburyport and back, and one or two other short, informal rides. The paperchases, which were so successful last year, were repeated, but, as from last year it was found that some riders had no chance of winning, it was resolved to handicap all those who had won first prizes. Though this plan is open to many objections, the four paperchases held this year were on the whole as successful as last year's and were well attended. Owing to there being no track which the club bould use, no autumn race meeting was held, but it was voted lately to hold a race meeting in the spring on the new track on Holmes, which promises to be very fast. No efforts to make this meeting successful will be spared. The club has lately been divided into riding and associate members. This gives the club a riding membership of about 40 and an associate membership of about 60.
The club is now in a very flourishing condition, and the prospects of improved work on the road and the path next year are brilliant. Throughout the winter and spring the club proposes to hold "smokers" or social meetings once a month, and just before the Christmas vacation the annual dinner, which was so great a success last year, is to take place.
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