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EDITORS HERALD-CRIMSON. In the Wednesday's issue of the HERALD-CRIMSON there was a notice that Rev. Frederick Courtenay, of Boston, would address the St. Paul's Society that evening and a large attendance was desired. That very natural desire was not gratified, as I afterwards understood, that, of the whole society (one of the largest in the College) less than half a dozen men were present at that lecture. Does it not amount to an insult to invite earnest and distinguished preachers to come from Boston (thus taking a whole evening from their very busy week) to speak to bare

benches? I think even St Paul himself would be discouraged under such circumstances. Let the officers and members of this society be loyal to their church and earnest in their endeavor to make the society a power in the university, and not a low another preacher to be disheartened by coming here to find a mere handful of men to meet him. W.
