The above is the title of an interesting little hand-book lately published by Messrs. Putnam of New York. The author is Dr. Wilder, Professor of Physiology at Cornell, and he treats of his subject in a thoroughly simple and practical way which makes the book particularly valuable. The work is divided into eleven general heads,-the Choice of Room, Food and Drink, Ventilation and Heating, D othing, Bathing Sleep, Exercise, Methods of Study, Cae of the Eyes, Stimulants and Narcotics and Hygenie and Morality. The whole is prepared with a few "maxims and general remarks" which are interesting and significant.
Speaking of the selection of rooms, Dr. Wilder says that you must be sure to obtain plenty of sunshine as well as to avoid dampness. It is well also to be sure that the drinking water is pure and that the plumbing is in good order. To those who live in private boarding houses, as many do here, this is a useful injunction.
Under the heading "Food and Drink," we find that "among the articles which are both nutritious and easily digested are milk, soft boiled eggs, tripe, oysters (raw, stewed or roasted, not fried), rare beef, meat broths and soups." Then follow various remarks on the cost of food together with directions and advice as to the proper modes of preparing the raw material for eating. Though these remarks are particularly intended for those students who board themselves, there are many of them which are worthy the perusal of many a housekeeper or cook, while even the authorities of Memorial Hall might take some of Dr. Wilder's suggestions to heart with profit. After a few words of caution as to drinking-water, he goes on to say that "for healthy growing people the habitual use of tea or coffee is undesirable. Certainly they should be used in moderation." For harmless substitutes he suggests "wheat coffee" or "Fry's Cocoa Extract." Milk is recommended most highly as being both food and drink and even if at first it disagrees with some, he says, "perhaps a persistent trial of it would succeed as well as in the case of tobacco." Then follow several good pieces of advice on eating : "Regularity is important. Eat until satisfied, and thus avoid lunches. Let the amount of a meal bear some relation to future needs as well as to present appetite. Light conversation and gentle exercise promote digestion, but severe bodily or mental labor retards it. Avoid such labor just before and for at least an hour after a full meal. Eat slowly, masticate well." These and similar maxims are worth being learned by heart and many should profit by them.
Of breakfast Dr. Wilder says that it should be the principal meal, and he recommends lunch in the middle of the day and dinner at night. "Breakfast," he says, "should always include oatmeal, mush, cracked wheat, or some similar article, with plenty of meat.' Then come some remarks on the necessity for "regularity in the action of the bowels" with advice in case of disorder in those organs.
Under "Ventilation and Heating" we find the following : "Windows and doors should close tightly, but the upper sash should let down, and there should be ventilators over the doors." And again, "cold air should always enter near the top of the room, through the ventilator or over the upper sash, according to the direction of the wind." The temperature comfortable to the majority of persons is given as 68 Fahrenheit, and open fire-places, grates or open stoves are recommended as the best heating apparatus. "Any of these," he says, "ensures almost perfect ventilation, as well as supplies a pleasant and healthy warmth." Again as to sleeping rooms we find "the air should not be very cold. In winter either the sleeping room should open into a warmer room or a low fire should be kept up in the room, preferably in an open stove."
Next comes various directions as to the quality and quantity of clothing to be worn in heat and cold. "Clothing should be easy, compression should be avoided." A daily bath is recommended to all. "The cold morning sponge or shower bath is refreshing, but it should be taken in a warm room, and only when the skin is well reddened by subsequent rubbing." A soap and warm water bath should be taken at least once a week. The student should always have at least eight hours sleep, and if any is lost, Dr. Wilder says it should be made up "no matter what other things have to give place." The student he says "should aim to spend the whole forenoon in study. Recreation should be taken in the afternoon if possible and the evenings until ten o'clock may be given to study." The following remarks are especially worth noting : "If the student cannot get along without working directly after dinner and later than 10 P. M., he either has not learned how to employ his time, or is undertaking more than he can accomplish." Then follow some direction on the "care of the eyes," "stimulants and narcotics" and "hygenic and morality. "Altogether the little book is most valuable and we can hardly suggest a better investment for the average student than to obtain a copy of it.
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