

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Lost-in the basement of Weld, a paper covered Livy. Finder will confer a favor by leaving at Brock and Leavitt's.

Mr. E. J. Ferris, has finally consented to take classes in sparring to consist of four members each. Terms : twenty-four lessons (private) $20 ; twenty-four lessons (in classes) $15. Those wishing to enter the winter sports should commence at once. Hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., over Ramsay's drug store.

Lost.-About a week ago an open faced gold watch, stem-winder, gutta percha chain attached. Please return to W. T. Gray, 4 Holyoke street. Found-Two tintype pictures of tennis players in costume. Owner can receive them at Burtlett's College Pharmacy.

For sale-Copies of good notes in Political Economy 4, History 2 and 12. Phonography successfully taught by personal instruction or by mail. Address 39 D. H., Cambridge.

Have you bought that Newmarket yet ? II. London Hurlbert, tailor, 125 Tremont street, Boston, recommends this garment as the swell coat for young men.


Lost.-A dark-brown silk umbrella with dark wooden handle. Finder will please return to M. 19.

To Rent-a furnished room at 1 Holyoke street. Apply to room 46 School street, Boston.

Chas. T. Libbey, tutor in Freshman Mathematics and German. College House, 27.

To Let-A good double corner room in Felton to let at a reduced price. No, 36. Inquire of the Janitor.
