

Mrs. R. L. Stuart has finally given the promised $150,000 for the new School of Philosophy, at Princeton.

"The Student, devoted to its own interests" is the candid title of a recently established weekly.

J. R. Osgood and Co. sold every copy of their edition de luxe of the Carlyle-Emerson correspondence, edited by Prof. Norton, before the day of publication.

Never, since we have known anything of foot-ball, has Princeton failed to be a contestant in the Thanksgiving day games. [Princetonian.

The Princetonian very properly asks, "If Pach is to take the Princeton Senior pictures to Vassar to be voted on, why don't he likewise bring the Vassar Senior pictures here for us to vote on?"


The College of the City of New York has a new course of study called the course of workshop practice, which has for its aim "to make the student acquainted with the tools used in working woods and metals, the properties of these materials and the methods of forming and combining them for useful instruction."
