

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Lost.-About a week ago an open faced gold watch, stem-winder, gutta percha chain attached. Please return to W. T. Gray, 4 Holyoke street.

Found-Two tintype pictures of tennis players in costume. Owner can receive them at Bartlett's Coleg Pharmacy.

For sale-Copies of good notes in Political Economy 4, History 2 and 12. Phonography successfully taught by personal instruction or by mail. Address 39 C. H., Cambridge.

THAT AUCTION SALE OF BOOKS. By reason of the inclement weather on Monday the lot of selected books that were to have been sent by Moses King to auction on last Tuesday will not be sent until next Tuesday. Although some of the books have been sold during the past few days there are up wards of five hundred left. Now is the time to buy a dollar book for twenty-five cents or less. These books many of which are valuable. must be disposed of as Mr. King soon leaves Cambridge for good.

Have you bought that Newmarket yet? H. London Hurlbert, tailor, 125 Tremont street, Boston, recommends this garment as the swell coat for young men.


Lost.-A dark-brown silk umbrella with dark wooden handle. Finder will please return to M. 19.

To Rent-a furnished room at 1 Holyoke street. Apply to room 46 School street, Boston.

Chas. T. Libbey, tutor in Freshman Mathematics and German. College House, 27.

To Let-A good double corner room in Felton to let at a reduced price. No, 36. Inquire of the Janitor.

Mr. E. J. Ferris, instructor in sparing, will be at his rooms over Ramsay's drug store, every day from 10. A. M. to 6 P. M. Students are requested to come as early as possible to make appointments.

School of Stenography-A limited number of pupils received. A three months course of instruction, (two or three lessons per week) will enable one to make practical use of the art. Address, Stenographer, 19 Worcester Sq., Boston.
