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The new steward at Memorial should be congratulated upon the success of the hall since the beginning of the present term. From time to time favorable comments have been made concerning the board, service, and general management of the dining room. The real success of the hall, however, depends on the price of board. If this is raised beyond a certain sum many men are obliged to leave, their example is followed by others, and in time a stampede occurs such as nearly proved ruinous to the hall last year.

Tuesday the au ditor's report was posted and the price of board for October was shown to be only $4.16, which is certainly very low,-much less than was expected. The success of the hall is also shown by the large number of boarders, which is at present over six hundred. With the excellent quality of food which we have had, with the present low price of board, and with this large number of members, the success of the hall is assured. The steward is evidently the man for the place, and the board of directors deserve the thanks of the association for securing the services of so valuable a person.
