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It is certainly a surprise to learn that Columbia, by failing to appear against Princeton on Monday, has forfeited her position in the foot-ball association. If the news proves true it will make a new aspect of affairs, and though the championship can hardly be said to be effected by her withdrawal from the association, it will make the fight between the remaining colleges even more exciting than before. Of late years Columbia's teams have invariably failed to obtain better than last place, and it was always a pleasure to feel that unless under the most adverse circumstances the other three colleges could count on a better place. Now however either Yale, Princeton or Harvard will be obliged to feel the mortification of tailing the list, and this consideration is no mean incentive for hard work. We heartily trust that this view of the matter may have all due effect upon our team and that they will do their best to keep us from this hitherto almost unattainable position.
