ITHACA, NOV. 9, 1883.
EDITORS HERALD-CRIMSON.-Gentlemen: I enclose a clipping from a recent number of the HERALD-CRIMSON. There is a serious error which I would like to have you correct. The Correspondence University has no connection whatever with Cornell University, other than the fact that a number of Cornell professors are members of the Cornell University faculty. The trustees of Cornell have known nothing about the matter. Special pains have been taken not to have it run for or against the interests of any educational institution. Although at the outset there are more professors from Cornell than from any other institution owing to the fact that it originated with a professor at Cornell, yet, in all probability no more professors will be taken from Cornell, and as new members are being added all the while, their proportion will be a constantly diminishing one. I mail with this the Correspondence University announcement, containing the names of thirty-two of the thirty-six professors already secured. As the first part of your article gives an entirely erroneous impression of the matter, I sincerely hope you will correct it. I remain, Very Resp'y.
LUCIEN A. WAIL.Secy. Correspondence University. Harvard '70.
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