Last week a thief climbed in at the window of a ground-floor room at the back of Weld, and stole clothing and other articles to the amount of about a hundred and fifty dollars. If this practice of stealing from floor rooms grows it will be a very hard matter to stop it, as there is hardly a ground floor room in college that could not be entered by even an inexpert thief. One way of preventing future theft is shown by the locality of this burglary. The back of Weld was undoubtedly chosen for operations on account of the entire lack of light at night. The yard needs better lighting ; the front of the buildings is not so exposed to burglars, as there are constant passers by, but the sides of the buildings that do not face on the yard or the streets need to be better lighted or better watched. Of course the best safeguard would be the long-needed yard policeman, who, when he comes into existence, is to keep the muckers out of the yard, and rid us of all the annoyance and discomforts attendant upon the present use of the college yard as the play-ground of Cambridge youths.
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