A new mantel bed, just the thing for college rooms can be obtained for ten dollars and upwards ; at Paine's furniture manufactory, 48 Canal street, Boston. Send for circular.
Lost.-A dark-brown silk umbrella with dark wooden handle. Finder will please return to M. 19.
To Rent-a furnished room at 1 Holyoke street. Apply to room 46 School street, Boston.
Chas. T. Libbey, tutor in Freshman Mathematics and German. College House, 27.
To Let-A good double corner room in Felton to let at a reduced price. No, 36. Inquire of the Janitor.
School of Stenography-A limited number of pupils received. A three months course of instruction, (two or three lessons per week) will enable one to make practical use of the art. Address, Stenographer, 19 Worcester Sq., Boston.
Mr. E. J. Ferris, instructor in sparring, will be at his rooms over Ramsay's drug store, every day from 10. A. M. to 6 P. M. Students are requested to come as early as possible to make appointments.
The Harvard Book Rack, patented by Lockwood Brooks and Co., and sold everywhere for one do lar, can be bought today for forty cents of Moses King.
A black walnut holder for diction aries, large books, art folios, magazines etc., for sale by Moses King at $3.75 just one-half the price.
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