

EDITORS HERALD-CRIMOSN :-I wish, through your columns, to call the attention of the students, and especially of the freshmen class, to the Society of Christian Brethren. This society was founded 81 years ago, to promote the religious welfare of the college. It was part of a movement against the influence of French sceptical philosophy which was very popular in the United States at the beginning of the century.

The meetings of the society are held once a week, Thursday evenings, at 18 Stoughton at 6.30. The hour is put very early so that it shall not conflict with any other engagements on Thursday evening. The exercises consist of an informal prayer meeting, conducted by the students, of about three-quarters of an hour in length.

It is believed, and the experience of the past justifies the belief, that this society meets a real need in our college life, by offering an opportunity for personal worship. We hear much of atheism and religious indifference at Harvard, but we know how much these influences or conditions are exaggerated. We all know that there is among Harvard students a large class of earnest Christian men, accustomed to religious work at home and finding some especial religious work at college necessary to make their life at Harvard complete. For such men the Society of Christian Brethren was founded, and to such men I wish to appeal in behalf of the society. All the members of the university are cordially invited to attend our meetings.

