

Meeting in Holden this evening at 7.30 to form a Gun Club.

About 125 men have joined the H. A. A. thus far this year.

The Persian language has been added to the curriculum at Cornell.

Advanced theme II, junior class, will be due today in Sever 3.

On and after today the dinner hour at Memorial Hall will be from 5.30 to 6.30.


The college faculty has decided to offer honors for proficiency in modern literature.

The excursion in N. H. 4 to Squantum, which has been twice postponed on account of the weather, will take place today. Trains leaves the Old Colony station at 2.15.

Harvard Union debate tonight in Sever 11, at 7.30. Question: Resolved, "That the best interests of Massachusetts demand the re-election of Gov. Butler." The principal disputants will be Messrs. Sewell, L. S., and Barnes, '84, on the affirmative, and Messrs. Saunders, '84, and Baldwin, '85, on the negative.

On Saturday an excursion in N. H. 4 will leave Cambridge at 8.15 A. M. to visit the coal mines at Newport. The members will then walk to Fall River and return to Boston by train.

The following is the number of volumes of some of the largest college libraries in the country: Harvard, 185,000; Yale, 93,000; Dartmouth, 60,000; Brown, 52,000; Princeton, 49,000; Cornell; 40,000; Columbia, 38,000; University of Michigan, 29,000; Williams, 19,000; Colby, 18,000.-[Dartmouth.

Mr. Wendell will return junior themes with criticisms, in Sever 11, to section 2 (McCook to Yocum), this afternoon, from 2 till 4.30.

The National Cyclists' Union employ detectives to see that racers ride "square" when on the track, and anyone detected doing otherwise is immediately suspended from the Union. It might be a good thing if something of that kind were done in this country.

The first senior forensic will be due today from 3 to 4, in Sever 3. Subjects as follows: 1. In the history of the past have wars helped or hindered the progress of civilization? 2. Discuss the comparative inducements to the study of law and theology. 3. Is a working knowledge of the French and German languages essential to the graduates of American colleges? 4. Define the sensational in literature.
