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We think the officers of the H. A. A. for the coming year would do well to consider the plan suggested by President Lowell, in his address read at the last meeting of the association. We refer to his project of instituting class championships in the fall and winter meetings. Class flags or trophies of some sort, to be given to the class winning the most victories, would arouse a healthy class feeling. Each class would do it sutmost to bring forward all available candidates in the effort to win this trophy. This rivalry between the classes would increase the number of entries and have a direct bearing upon the success of all the meetings of the association. It would benefit the H. A. A. in somewhat the same manner, although in a modified degree, as the class races benefit the boat club as the university crew. While we do not believe in any hard feeling existing between classes of the same college, we think this project would afford abundant opportunity for fostering that old time class feeling which formerly formed one of the pleasantest remembrances of college life, and which has lately disappeared almost entirely, due perhaps in a large measure to the unwieldy size of the classes.

We hope the project will meet with the approval of the officers of the association and the students at large, as we fell sure it would prove of great advantage to the association.
