We cannot too strongly urge everyone to encourage the foot-ball men by numbers and enthusiasm at the afternoon practice on Jarvis. We think that every man who takes any interest in the welfare of the eleven, ought to show his appreciation of the hard work that is being done by attending the practising as well as the games of the team as often as possible. But while this is in every way desirable men must be more careful about walking around, not across the new ground on Holmes. The ground has been planted with grass seed, part of which is expected to grow before winter, but if scores of men are to tramp over the place daily, our prospect of having next year a well turfed, level field for base ball will be poor indeed.
For the past few days, there have been rumors floating about of the intention on the part of the freshman class to attend some Boston theatre in a body. To any freshman who contemplates any such action, we can only say that he should be fully aware of the fact that the college has more than once shown its emphatic disapproval of any such expeditions. We had thought that this silly custom had died out with the flasco of last year, and wish to warn '87 against beginning its college career with its revival, Harvard is gradually reaching a point from which it can present to the college world a university free from the childish effervescence which characterize the smaller colleges. Hazing and the kindred exhibitions are fast becoming things of the past. Let '87 take care that she should not be an obstacle in the way of this progress.
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