Student's rooms at Harvard furnished promptly with shades, draperies, bed-room and study furniture at Pame's, 48 Canal street, Boston.
To let-Three suites of furnished rooms for students. Well ventilated and sunny, recently occupied by Mrs. Stewart, 19 Hilliard, corner of Mt. Auburn street, the undersigned having leased the same. Mrs. R. Shunan.
Lost-On Jarvis fleld, Wednesday afternoon, a small alligator-skin pocket book, containing a sum of money. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving it at Brock and Leavitt's. 436 Harvard st.
Mr. E. J. Ferris, instructor in sparring, wishes to call the attention of the college to his new Sparring Rooms over Ramsay's drug store. Mr. Ferris' pupils, Heilborn, Page and Baxter, '83, have won eight cups in the last three years, including all of those offered last year. Hours 1 to 6 P. M.
Nicely furnished rooms en suite or single at very reasonable rates. 46 Mt. Auburn street.
Very desirable sunny rooms to rent with board, at 20 Berkely Street. Location and table unexceptionable.
Club Table-One large table can be accommodated at Miss E. M. Cotter's, No. 10 Oxford street. Also one nice suite of rooms to be let.
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