

Mr. C. P. Perin, '83, has returned to college for a short time.

Mr. Moulton, '83, is in business in New York.

T. L. Frothingham, '84, has been elected an editor of the Advocate.

Dartmouth wants to arrange a football game with Harvard.

The fall games at Yale will be held Oct. 20.


The Princeton fall sports will take place October 16.

Richards, '85, at Yale, has a dropkick record of 168 feet.

The members of N. H. 4 make an excursion today.

The new physical laboratory will not be ready for use before next spring.

A hundred adn eighty-two men have handed in their names for a physical examinations.

All the gymnasium lockers except those in the basement have been assigned.

In the final contest for the doubles Presbrey and Sawin beat Minot and Rathbone.

Presbrey, '85, has won the single tennis tournament at the Dorchester Tennis Club grounds.

Candidates for the freshman crew will meet in 9 Holworthy tomorrow evening at 7.30.

The lectures in History 13 will be held in the lower lecture room of Dane Hall as soon as arrangements can be made.

Presbrey, '85, and Taylor, '86, will probably represent the college in the intercollegiate tournament at Hartford.

The Dartmouth definition of a dede: A person who wears a collar, and washes his hands twice a day.-[Williams Athenaeum.

The trustees of Columbia contemplate erecting a new chapel at a cost of about $125,000.

The opening of the new athletic grounds at Yale will be deferred until 1885, owing to the poor condition of the turf.

At the Shamrock Lacrosse Grounds, Montreal, the lacrosse ball was thrown 147 yards, 8 inches, recently in a long throwing contest.

About forty men are trying for the foot-ball team at Princeton. Jim Robinson is training the team, and is very sanguine in his hopes.

Two college pitchers faced each other Wednesday for the first time in a professional game-Sawyer of the Clevelands, from Adelbert College, Jones of the Athletic, from Yale.

Prof. Hagen of Harvard College, with his nephew, the assistant of Prof. Helmholtz, in the Physical Laboratory of Berlin University spent Tuesday visiting the different departments of the college.-[Wellesley Courant.

In the two games which Yale has played with Wesleyan, the playing of Terry and Richards was especially good. In the first game, of the nine touchdowns scored, Terry made seven, and of the three goals kicked from the field Terry made one and Richards two. In the second game Richards kicked three goals from the field.

The fall athletic meeting at Amherst took place on Saturday. A large delegation from Smith College witnessed the sports. The following are a few of the records: Mile walk, 8 min. 6 sec.; standing high jump, 4ft. 8in.; running long jump, 19ft. 5in.; running high jump, 5ft. 2in.; standing long jump, 9ft. 71-2in.; mile run, 5 min. 15 3-8 sec.; 1-4 mile run, 57 1-4 sec.; 100 yards dash, 11 1-2 sec.; 1-2 mile race, 2 min. 13 1-4 sec.; hurdles, 17 1-2 sec. A barrel of cider was given to the class of '83 as winning the greatest number of events.

By a recent arrangement, Walter C. Camp, '81, who was a prominent factor in Yale sports, and for the past two years connected with the Graduate Advisory Athletic Committee, will hereafter superintend Yale's athletes, receiving $1,200 per year, the foot-ball association paying $300; base-ball, $300; athletic association, $300, and $300 from other sources. This displaces Frank Dole, who so successfully trained for the spring games.-[Spirit of the Times.
