A new mantel bed. just the thing or college rooms can be obtained for ten dollars and upwards; at Paine's furniture manufactory, 48 Canal street, Boston. Send for circular.
A copy of "College Tramps" for sale by Moses King at only seventy-five cents.
A copy of the Harvard Book in cloth bindings can be had of Moses King for $19.75. A copy of the Harvard Book in the finest full morocco,-a brand new copy-, for $35 at Moses King's store, 400 Harvard St.
Lost-On Saturday last, in Memorial Hall, an umbrella, black with terracotta colored, carved handle. The finder will confer a favor upon the owner by leaving the same in the office of Memorial.
Found-A spring overcoat. Apply to "Alex" Gymuasium.
School of Stenography-A limited number of pupils received. A three months course of instruction, (two or three lessons per week) will enable one to make practical use of the art. Address, Stenographer, 19 Worcester Sq., Boston.
Lost-A red leather case containing H. A. A. and H. U. F. B. A. Season tickets, cards, stamps, etc. The finder will confer a favor by returning the same to the owner, F. C. HUNTINGTON, 25 Holyoke Street.
The gentleman, who by mistake took an umbrella from 7 Sever will greatly oblige the owner by returning the same to 4 Holyoke.
Lost.-A note book of Political Economy III. The finder will confer a favor by informing W. B. Noble, Weld 2.
10 Oxford St. A nice suite of rooms with board at a General Table can be obtained at Miss E. M. Cotter's 10 Oxford st. Also a few seats left at same table.
Lost-A cyclometer; finder will confer a favor by bringing the same to G. W. Mathewson, 12 Bow St.
Mr. E. J. Ferris, instructor in sparring, will be at his rooms over Ramsay's drug store, every day from 10. A. M. to 6 P. M. Students are requested to come as early as possible to make appointments.
Found-A large sum of money; owner can have same by applying at Brock and Leavitt's.
To Let-In Cambridge, near the college, rooms furnished or unfurnished in new brick house with all modern conveniences; desirable for students or man and wife. Terms moderate. Care letter carrier, No. 403.
One club of twelve or more gentlemen can be accommodated with board at Mrs. T. H. Brewer's Brattle square
Tutoring in all Freshman Mathematics. Conditioned men a specialty.
THOMAS C. BACHELDER, '83,16 Hollis Hall.
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