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EDITORS OF THE HERALD-CRIMSON :-The idea of starting a Gun Club in Harvard seems to me a particularly good one. The scarcity of tennis courts has increased with the erection of the Physical Laboratory and the building of the new athletic grounds, so that, even under the rules of the Tennis Association, it is hard for any one to get a chance to play. This makes men look around for some other recreation and exercise, and I feel sure that many men would be glad of the chance which the formation of a Gun Club will offer. It would, too, in addition to present advantages, enable the students of Harvard to get larger bags of birds, and to kill more moose, deer, bear, etc., during the summer months.

The success of the Bicycle Club this year seems to me to augur that a Gun Club would also succeed, and that it would not die out as have previous attempts in the same direction, but yearly become more prosperous and powerful.
