

Three-hundred and seven men have registered in the freshman class.

The flags won from Yale and Columbia last June at New London, are now displayed in Barletts' windows.

Candidates for the glee club will meet in Robert's Hall, either on Friday, Oct. 5, or Tuesday, Oct. 9.

There will be a meeting of the directors of the College reading room tomorrow afternoon, at 4, in 28 weld.

There are at present about 600 boarders at Memorial.


The directors of the Dining Association will have their first meeting of the term to-morrow.

Mr. Guillaume Alexander Scribner will fill the position as French instructor, made vacant by the death of Prof. Jacquinot.

Students who have elected French I. will meet Mr. Scribner to-day at 3 P. M., in Sever 23.

Students who have elected French IV. will meet Mr. Scribner Oct. 9, at 9 A. M. in Sever 19.

The first junior theme will be due Thursday, Oct. 11th.

Mr. Wendell will have exclusive charge of junior themes this year, and Mr. Briggs of sophomore themes.

The subjects announced for the first junior theme are 1: A Description of the Foreign Exhibition in Boston ; 2: A Description of a Political Meeting ; 3: A Description of Fanueil Hall Market.

Prof. Hill delivered a lecture to the sophomores yesterday, explanatory of the work to be pursued this year in rhetoric and themes. It will be his only lecture until next term.

The first four members of the Superior Court of the Pow Wow are as follows: F. W. Taussig, '79, Ph. D.; A. P. Lathrop, '82, F. M. Stone, '82, A. M.; H. H. Crapo, '83.

The Student wants a general college boarding house at Amherst.

The gymnasium at Amherst contains a billiard room according to the News.

The sophomores will not be required to hand in any themes until the latter part of the term.

A Pennsylvania clergyman is a pitcher in a base-ball nine. His gestures sometimes make the congregation duck their heads.-[Ex.

The games in the class championship series at Yale resulted as follows: '86 defeated '84 by a score of 5 to 4 ; S. S. S. defeated '87 by a score of 5 to 1.

A lawn tennis tournament is in progress at Amherst to select representatives for the intercollegiate tournament at Hartford.

"The mouth of the Amazon," said a professor of geology in a Chicago female seminary, "is the biggest mouth in the world-present company always excepted."-[Ex.

The senior tennis tournament at Yale resulted as follows: Jenks first, Doolittle, Sheton, second. In the freshmen tennis tournament the victors are: Haven first, Thomas second.

William J. Fletcher, assistant librarian of the Watkinson, Library at Hartford, has been nominated for the position of librarian of Amherst College and will undoubtedly be elected.

The lower classmen at Dartmouth saved their clothes Saturday by going into their annual came rush stripped to the waists and greased. The sophomores vanquished the freshmen in thirty minutes.

Each student at Amherst at the beginning of the term receives a printed form, from which he ascertains his rank for the past term, and his average standing for the course thus far completed.

There will be a meeting of the Crimson board today at 4 P. M., in Weld 2.

At the meeting of the Tennis Association last night a report was presented showing the receipts of the past year to have been $269.90, expenses $240.90, leaving a balance of $29.00. The executive committee of the association was empowered to draw up a new constitution subject to the ratification of the association. G. R. Agassig, '84, was elected president for the ensuing year, H. A. Taylor, '86, vice-president ; G. W. Hoyt, '85, secretary and treasurer, and the following stewards: A. Curtis, '84, Mr. Peirson, '85, Mr. Minot, '86, and Mr. Kuh, '87. n
