


OCTOBER 28. SUNDAY.Appleton Chapel. Rev. Brooke Herford, D. D., 7.30 P. M.

30. TUESDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 P. M.

NOVEMBER 1. THURSDAY.Harvard Union debate. Sever 11, 7.30 P. M. Question: Resolved, "That the best interests of Massachusetts demand the re-election of Gov. Butler."


2. FRIDAY.The Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament. Special subject: Early Assyrian History. Prof. Lyon. Upper Divinity Hall, 12 M.

3. SATURDAY.History and methods of classical study. Prof. Allen. Sever 14, 11 A. M. These lectures, to be given on Saturdays during the first half-year, are intended for the guidance of those who have in mind a somewhat extended course of study in Classics. Any student who is taking courses in Greek or Latin is at liberty to attend them.

Medical faculty. Meeting at 18 Aminoton street Boston. 7.30 P. M.

SENIOR FORENSICS.The first forensic will be due Nov. 1, from 3 to 4, in Sever 3. Subjects as follows: 1. In the history of the past have wars helped or hindered the progress of civilization? 2. Discuss the comparative inducements to the study of law and theology. 3. Is a working knowledge of the French and German languages essential to the graduates of American colleges? 4. Define the sensational in literature.

Those men who wish to give special attention to these exercises may leave their names with Mr. Snow at that time.

JUNIOR FORENSICS.Mr. Snow will meet the junior class in Sever 11, on Tuesday, October 30, at 2 P. M., to discuss the principles of forensic writing, and to receive the names of men who wish to give special attention to this subject.

JUNIOR THEMES.Mr. Wendell will return themes with criticisms, in Sever 11, to section 2 (McCook to Yocum), on Thursday, Nov. 1, from 2 till 4.30 P. M.

Mr. Wendell will discuss the principles of Narrative writing before the junior class in Sever 11, on Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 2 o'clock.

Advanced Section-Theme II. will be due on Thursday, Nov. 1, in Sever 3. It will be returned with criticisms, in Sever 5, on Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 2 o'clock. Subject: A Description.
