

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS OF THE HERALD-CRIMSON : Nearly every one is at times subjected to considerable delay in finding where certain rooms are in our college buildings on account of the darkness of the entries and ignorance of their exact location. This is particularly true of visitors, who are frequently compelled to wander all over a building and go to considerable trouble before finding the particular room they are in search of. Now it seems to me to be a perfectly practicable scheme for the men on each floor to contribute a small sum apiece and have a plan of the floor made which would show the location of each room and give the name of the person who occupies it. This plan could be framed and posted in some conspicuous place at the head of each flight of stairs, so that every one who needed it, would readily discover and make use of it. In this way much unnecessary trouble would be advoided.

But there is another consideration in its favor. When a man is hard at work it is most unpleasant to find, on opening the door, some stranger who is searching in vain after some room, and who wishes to be directed to it. Most men do not carry plans of their buildings in their heads, and the consequence is that they are put to no little trouble in showing the person the room he desires to find.

If some action could be taken, and the money handed over to the janitor, or any one else willing to attend to the matter, the latter could easily have such plans made, for they would be simple and inexpensive.

Comparing their value, and the slight trouble it would be to procure them, it would certainly seem as if the scheme must appeal to everyone who gives the matter a moment's consideration.


