

The corner stone of the new gymnasium at Amherst was laid October 13.

Saturday recitations at Cornell and Bowdoin have been given up.

There was a cut in Fine Arts 3 yesterday.

The tug-of-war teams are already practising at Yale.

It is rumored that a club for clay pigeon shooting is to be started here.


New double doors have been placed in Memorial at the entrance to the dining hall.

The next excursion in N. H. 4 will be on Monday to Squantum. Train leaves the Old Colony station at 2.15.

The candidates for the freshman crew are rowing by tens, using the substitute seats.

The Amherst base-ball team will be coached by Capt Morrill of the Bostons this winter.

There will be an important meeting and rehearsal of the Pierian Sodality tonight at Roberts Hall at 7.30.

A member of the Bicycle Club proposes to try a Star bicycle, i. e., with the little wheel in front.

Mr. Hardwick, '84, is getting well so fast that he expects to be back by the beginning of next week.

Cambridge has a new college. It is named Selcvyn and is the first added to the university during the present century. [Ex.

There will be another mathematical seminar today in U. 19 at 4 P. M. The subjects for discussion are posted on the bulletin boards.

We have seen a letter from Mr. George M. Hendee, in which he states that he will not enter Yale in the spring, but will try to enter the class of '88 at the summer entrance examinations.
