

While the team is highly to be commended for the successful issue of Saturday's game the writer would like to make a few friendly criticisms. Easton's goal play was quite remarkable, considering that this fall he had been able to practice one day only, but his throwing was not up to his mark in former years. Rueter played steadily and effectively at point, but did not pass the ball and sometimes missed his throw. Marquand was new to cover-point's position, and it is to be hoped he will improve during the week. Bradford ran finely and made several good plays, but he failed to cover his man at important moments. The same may be said of Goodale. Their laxity in covering often placed Rueter and Marquand in very difficult positions. Williams played centre well, but invariably held the ball too long before throwing. Baldwin for a new man, did some very fine cheeking and played a good steady game, but his throwing and catching were not quite up to the mark. Noyes plays well and thoroughly understands the game. Hood did not do as well as was expected in the game. He needs greater skill in handling the ball. Woods plays a good home and his "swipes and tips" for goal are excellent, but he does not body-check well.

Altogether the team play a good, sharp, effective game, but there is little team play, and the catching and passing of most of the men are rather poor. The fielders do not cover well, nor do they drop well at goal. Many of the men are very slow about throwing the ball, and the attack men do not dodge sufficiently. Frequently in that part of the field a clever dodge is very effective. The men should learn to handle the ball with greater skill. If some of these points are remedied, we do not see why our very strong team should not reap fresh laurels next Saturday.
