

No Headline

In the last issue of the Advocate, we notice an editorial commenting on the fact that this year the HERALD-CRIMSON has had no column devoted to a summary of news collected from the Boston papers. There were several reasons why this column was given up. It was not deemed of enough general interest to warrant the considerable expense, and at best it was but fragmentary and incomplete. Further, we did not and do not consider it to be within our province as a college daily. Nearly every man buys a paper from which to get the news of the day ; in it he finds nothing relating to college. When he subscribes to a college daily, he does it, not to get any outside news, but to learn what is going on in the college world and in our own university. The two kinds of papers are radically different. In all matters relating to college life and doings in this country and abroad what we believe to be of general interest to our readers, we strive to present full and accurate reports ; but we think it is too much to expect that in addition to this, we should be compelled, (as no other college daily is), to furnish outside news. There has been some slight misapprehension on this point but we trust that this will now state our position clearly.
