At the meeting of the Union last evening the liquor question was discussed. The vote on the merits of the question was 37 for Maine law and 46 for the Massachusetts. The vote on the merits of the argument of the principal disputants stood 45 to 40. The vote on the merits of the whole argument stood 37 to 26. The following gentlemen spoke: Merriam, Wilson, Prentiss, McDuffie, McArthur, Gifford, Barnes, Richardson, Carrier, Libby, Conant, Eaton, Sanders. After the debate, Mr. Hansin brought forward resolutions on the death of Greenough Thayer, which were adopted. Mr. Eaton suggested that instead of the meeting being opened by speeches by all four of the principal disputants, two (one affirmative and one negative) should speak and the debate then be thrown open to the house, the other two principal disputants closing. Mr. Wait spoke at length in favor of this plan. The subject for the next debate is, "Resolved, That the best interests of Massachusetts demand the re-election of Gov. Butler."
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