Last year the bicycle race at the inter-collegiate meeting was a miserable failure. The men were started in two rows and by some mishap every man fell except two; two more managed to mount, and the race was finally won by one of those who had fallen, in very slow time. Such a fiasco must not happen next year, yet there will be a greater number of starters than this year, and the only way to run a two mile race will be in two or more heats, and a final heat. But a race run in heats is always a slow affair and of small satisfaction to the spectators, who always think the winner of a heat is the winner of the race. But there is one way by which a race in heats can be avoided, that is by having two races, a one mile and a three or five miles. These two races would not take so much time as a race run in heats. Besides, a two mile race is an unsatisfactory distance. It is not only an unusual and unauthorized distance. It is too short a race for long-distance men and too long for spurters. By the above plan the men would be divided according to their abilities, and two good and interesting races could be assured. We only hope the officers of the association will consider this plan for avoiding a difficulty, which unless met with will lead to more accidents and disappoitments to both the riders and their friends.
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