At the foot-ball convention held at the Fifth-avenue Hotel on Wednesday last, Princeton was represented by Messrs. Look and Moffat, Columbia by Messrs. Darling and Griffing. Harvard by Mr. F. H. Clark, and Yale by Mr. W. C. Camp. Mr. Tompkins of Yale was chosen president for the ensuing year, and Mr. Look secretary and treasurer. The following dates were arranged for this fall:
November 17, Yale vs. Columbia, at New York; November 17, Princeton vs. Harvard, at Princeton; Novenber 24, Yale vs. Princeton, place not definitely settled; November 24, Harvard vs. Columbia, at Cambridge; November 29, Yale vs, Harvard, at New York. Princeton will play two games with Columbia, but the dates are not yet arranged. The only changes in the rules were in Rule 5, ("may" is changed to "shall.") and in Rule 19, (" twice" is to "shall.") and in Rule 19, ("twice" is changed to "three times," and, or intentionally delaying the game," is added). The convention authorized Mr. W. C. Camp to print the interpretation of the rules as rendered by the representatives.
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