

An extra examination in English 1 will be given this week.

Mr. John Guy Vassar has presented Vassar College with $25,000.

The undergraduates at Cornell number 407.

The November Century has a short story by the author of "Guerndale."

Meeting of the college faculty today at 3.30 in University 5.


New ventilation has been introduced into Sever 11 by augur holes bored in the rises of the floor.

Mr. Wendell will meet the juniors today in Sever 11, from 2 to 3, in regard to their themes.

Mr. Matthew Arnold will stop with Professor Norton while he visits in Boston.

The first meeting of the consulting committee of the faculty and students will be held sometime in November.

The lectures in N. H. 18 will begin today at 11 A. M. in the museum, lower floor, No. 3.

Very few entries have been made for the university handicap meeting, but it is hoped many will come in today.

Entries for freshman meeting close at 12 M., for handicap meeting at 10 P. M. today.

Dr. C. S. Minot of the Medical School has been engaged as one of the instructors for the new correspondence university.

The next theme in English 5 will not be due until Friday. The corrected theme must be handed in at the same time.

The candidates for the Yale university crew are: Flanders and Peters, members of last year's crew; Hobbs and Merritt substitutes last year; Storrs, Robinson, Blake and Dodge of '85, and Appleton and Cowles of '86.
