The unfortunate and possibly fatal accident which occurred at the boat house on Saturday morning has in spired everyone with the deepest feelings of sympathy for the injured and of indignation at the criminal carelessness which apparently was the cause of the sad occurrence. But while we join to our heartfelt sympathy for the wounded our no less earnest hopes for their recovery, we have every reason to feel thankful that the consequences were not even more terrible than they are. Everything seemed to conspire to make the effects of the accident as slight as possible,-the falling of the lower balcony first, the half-flood tide and the timely assistance,-and we cannot but feel the deepest gratitude to the good fortune that saved us from a most horrible calamity. Of course it is needless to urge that the injured be cared for, for they are receiving the best of attention, but we do earnestly call for a most searching investigation into the causes of the disaster in order that the responsibility for it may be placed where it belongs, and that we may be guarded against the possibility of a repetition of such an occurrence in the future. That the whole accident was due to a careless and almost criminal disregard of the most ordinary precaution on the part of the responsible parties in leaving the building in such a dangerous condition, is evident to those who have examined into the state of the case, and it is due to the corporation, who own the building, as well as ourselves, that the matter should be inquired into at once.
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