

The following rules will govern the hare and hounds runs of the club:

HARES I.-The hares shall have a start of from 5 to 8 minutes, according to the length of the run.

II.-The hares must keep together, except in case of an accident to the machine of one of the hares or accident to rider incapacitating him for further riding.

III.-The hares must keep to carriage roads, but in the first three miles of the course are allowed to take parks and avenues, both ride able.

IV.-No sidewalk riding allowed to either hares or hounds.


V.-The hares win if the hounds come in after them by a greater amount of time than the time of start and the first hound in, gets a second prize.

HOUNDS, A.-The whipper-in shall lead if possible, but if any hound cares to go ahead he can do so.

B.-All winners of 1st prizes in previous runs of the club shall be handicapped as follows: When the run is under 15 miles, one minute at the start and 10 seconds at the finish. When the run is over 15 miles, one minute at the start and 20 seconds at the finish.

C.-Hounds must follow the whole line of scent.

D.-The hounds win if they come in within the difference between the times of staring. If one hound only succeeds in so doing he gets first, and the hares second prizes. If two hounds so succeed they get first and second prizes in the order in which they come in.

Time cups will be given to hounds covering the whole distance at the rate of 12 miles per hour. In case no time cups are given, a third prize will be awarded.

All decisions, questions and protests must be presented to a committee, consisting of a hare, a hound and a handicapped hound, appointed by the captain.

W. D. SMITH, Captain.
