It is a curious fact that many men go through freshman year without once going inside the college library; and there are many more who never take books out. This, no doubt, is owing, in great measure, to the fact that the courses of study pursued during the freshman year require very few books of reference; but it is also due to the fact that the fear of showing their freshness, which influences many of the actions of the freshman-keeps men from going into the library and finding out how to take books out. This seems a trivial reason to prevent men from getting books which they really want to read, and should not for a moment keep them from getting at once into the way of using the library. To prevent any little inconveniences which might arise at the first attempt, we shall show how easily this can be done. Upon presenting the certificate which states that "Mr.- has complied with the law respecting admission to the freshman class" at the desk of the library, which is at the right as one enters, Mr. - will be assigned a page in the library book. This done he is prepared to take out a book, and upon turning round he will find himself face to face with a row of drawers, which are lettered alphabetically, according to authors. These drawers contain cards on most of which are written the title of a book, the author and the number; the others are reference cards. Having found the right card, the applicant writes on one of the pieces of paper which he will find above the drawers, the number of his page and the number and title of his book; in case the number of the book is underlined in red in the card-catalogue, the number alone is sufficient. Upon presenting this card at the desk he will soon be served. If the applicant does not know the author of the book he is searching for, he must pass to the subject catalogue on the other side of the author's catalogue, where he will find all the necessary information.
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