Students' rooms at Harvard furnished promptly with shades, draperies, bed-room and study furniture at Paine's, 48 Canal street, Boston.
Short-hand taught-Positively shortest method. Terms low. Address,-T. B. Gregory, 20 Mellen St.
Tutor-For tutor in preparatory and freshman year studies, address, C. W. Lucas, '78, 36 No. Avenue, Cambridge.
Very desirable sunny rooms to rent with board, at 20 Berkely Street. Location and table unexceptionable.
Board and Rooms-Two club tables, also seats at a general table, can be accommodated at Mrs. J. E. Mooney's, 5 Linden Street, also rooms furnished and unfurnished.
Students wishing to dispose of partly worn clothing will receive highest cash price by leaving order at Lyons.' Ask for order box, Lyceum Building, Billiard Hall.
Instruction in German by a graduate who has studied three years in Germany. Address R. "Harvard Herald."
Club Table-One large table can be accommodated at Miss E. M. Cotter's, No. 10 Oxford street. Also one nice suite of rooms to be let.
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