There will be a cut in History 2 today.
There will be no lecture today in History 2.
The Bicycle Club will soon have a hare and hound run.
No recitations in French 1 and 6 until further notice.
The Law School opened yesterday in the new building.
The sophomores will probably retain their old seats in chapel.
Amherst and Dartmouth are to have daily papers.
Applications for gymnasium lockers are coming in rapidly.
Phillips Exeter Academy is represented in the freshman class by thirty men.
Prof. Keener will take charge of the first year course in Contracts at the Law School instead of Prof. Langdell.
Spanish 1 with Mr. Coolidge, '83, as instructor is an extremely popular course this year.
Annual meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association tonight at 8 P. M., in Holden Chapel.
The meeting of the Base-Ball Association tonight at 7.15 P. M. in Holden Chapel is for the election of officers.
The juniors will receive instruction from Mr. Wendell about themes today at 2 P. M. in Sever 11.
It is estimated by the officers that seven hundred men will take their meals at Memorial this term.
The Yale eleven, nine and eight of '84 will be captained respectively by Ray Tomkins, '84 ; H. C. Hopkins, '84, and H. R. Flanders, '85.
The winners in the lawn tennis tournament now in progress at Yale will represent that institution at Hartford next month.
The Yale class crews are in active training, and the date of the regatta will soon be announced.
Dr. Sargent has been assisting in the purchase of new apparatus for the Cornell Gymnasium during the summer.
JOKE.The college year at Harvard began on Thursday. The attendance at the School street branch of the university is as large and as punctual as usual.-[Gazette.
Concerning Dartmouth's proposed effort to be re-instated in the college base-ball league the Princetonian says very soundly : "It is no argument in her favor that Harvard has not done well this year. Besides being a reasonable distance away, Harvard is a representative university, and whether her nine be good or bad for a particular year, no college can be said to have the championship unless Harvard has competed against it."
"SUMMERING."A stroll on the beach by moonlight,
A smile and a parting kiss,
A face aglow in the firelight,
An undeniable bliss.
A gnawing remorse by sunrise,
An inclination to fly,
You know you're a fool in her eyes,
And you vainly long to die.-Courant.
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